OpenVL: An Abstraction for Developer-Friendly Computer Vision
Gregor Miller and Sidney Fels
OpenVL: An Abstraction for Developer-Friendly Computer Vision Research into computer vision techniques has far outpaced the development of interfaces (such as APIs) to support the techniques' accessibility, especially to developers who are not experts in the field. We present a new description-based interface designed to be mainstream-developer-friendly while retaining sufficient power and flexibility to solve a wide variety of computer vision problems. The interface presents vision at the task level (hiding algorithmic detail) and uses a description derived from definitions of vision problems. We show that after interpretation, the description can be used to invoke an appropriate method to provide a result. Our implementation interprets the description and invokes various vision methods with automatically derived parameters, which we demonstrate on a range of tasks.

Presented in Toronto, May 2013 at the Research Notes session of the GRAND Annual Conference.